Brief : Find something weird in the daily life and fit it with your new idea.

Why? Why are the burgers round while the boxes are square?
Since 1930 we have burgers in a round bun. Since 91 years almost 100 years we eat round burgers in a square box and no one thought to change one or the other? When we were little we were taught to put the circles in the circles and the squares in the squares. So why are we here today, putting circles in squares?
It's not convenient for delivery because we often get our burgers spread out in that FAMOUS square box.
It's time to put things right. Are you with me? Revolutionize the way burgers are made and what better way to start than with the most famous one! After all we pay for a square box with a burger in it while the sides are cut to make them round, it's not fair.
Now with the Square Big Mac, we're all square.
You know what else is not fair? To be a square at school. Who decided who are the square and when? What’s a group movement that can affect lot of children. Your child. Show them that it’s up to be a square on their favorite place : the social networks.
”We learn from our mistakes.” - Carousel Instagram
”We learn from our mistakes.” - Carousel Instagram

”Look hun, how mom was before @anna.colla. Don’t laugh on your classmates!” - Carousel Insta![]()

Conception, Art Direction & Copywrinting by Léa Colla