Brief : Disrupt a pre-dominantly male and masculine industry, the world of training supplement.

The capsules are fully compostable and compatible with a Nespresso machine. If you want you can choose to buy your own Capsure machine.

With the machine, you can connect your Capsure App which do all for you : put the right dose of protein, inform you about the new taste, help to reach your goals.

You can enter all the food that you eat in the app to calculate the calories. In the future, the application will offer you a new function; you will only have to take a picture of your meals and the camera will recognize what is on your plate to save you time.
Let’s talk about the product launch.
Did you remember this advertising that made so much noise in the London metro?
Let’s talk about the product launch.
Did you remember this advertising that made so much noise in the London metro?

Yes it was a real buzz. A bad one sure, but “Protein World” is known by everybody now.
Capsure will be launched in London metro with a new parodie of this campaign to show the value of the brand.
Capsure will be launched in London metro with a new parodie of this campaign to show the value of the brand.

For the social activation, Capsure will ask people to take stories of them cleaning the beaches with the tag @capsure. Those who do so will receive a sample of the capsule Capsure as soon as they post it.

Be more inclusive and ecological are the important values of Capsure and the brand will do all to respect that and create a community around it though the instagram account.
Conception, Art Direction & Copywrinting by Léa Colla